Arjun Bali

Currently: Incubating and investing in startups, primarily in healthcare and AI.

Previously: I co-founded Sodatone, which helps record labels discover and evaluate breakout artists using data and machine learning. We sold it to Warner Music Group, where it's discovered multiple top 10 hits, resulting in 40B+ streams and $200M+ in revenue. I was a Senior Vice President leading AI and data efforts globally. In some ways, it was a childhood dream come true.

Interests: After we sold Sodatone, I got really, really sick. I spent two years reading papers and running experiments to find the root cause, which I wrote about here. I now spend much of my free time learning about public health, longevity science, and food systems and agriculture. (I also love the NBA.)

Background: I'm a self-taught engineer and Waterloo robotics dropout. While at Waterloo, I built the control software for the world's first 3D circuit board printer and helped train models to detect heart conditions using smartwatch sensors.

Location: I live in NYC, but frequently visit SF, LA, and my hometown Toronto. While Toronto is home, I was actually born in Ohio, and as a kid lived in France and went to school in Switerzland.

Let's hang out: I love meeting new people across all sorts of industries. If you're curious, hard-working, and quick-witted I'd love to meet! Send me a message on Twitter; I respond to every single one.